InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.LESSONS: English Language Learners? Give Their Skills a Boost with PoetryEvery day, ELLs and ESL students face a barrage of grammar, readings, and comprehension checks. Offer them a language victory through…Sep 16, 2016Sep 16, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.LESSONS: Innovative Instruction with Romeo and Juliet: Duels, Sword Play, and PoetryFor teachers, a new school year can either mean rehashing the same old same old or looking for ways to stretch their pedagogical wings.Sep 16, 2016Sep 16, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.LESSONS: Bringing Excitement to Punctuation Instruction with a New ContextThe most frequent collocation for the word “punctuation” is “yawn.” Keep your lessons on these essential symbols from causing narcolepsy by…Sep 16, 2016Sep 16, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.LESSONS: Bringing Excitement to Punctuation Instruction with a New ContextThe most frequent collocation for the word “punctuation” is “yawn.” Keep your lessons on these essential symbols from causing narcolepsy by…Sep 16, 2016Sep 16, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.LESSON: Kipling’s “If”: Your Source for Lessons Beyond “If” ClausesEstablishing a real connection between literary texts and students creates a powerful cognitive bond. Rudyard Kipling’s “If” is an ideal…Sep 17, 2016Sep 17, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.“All I know is what I read…”— LESSONS: Grammar and Writing Activities with NEWSPAPERSPossibly the most cost-effective textbook available for the modern classroom, the humble newspaper can be a source for thousands of hours…Sep 25, 2016Sep 25, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.“All the News…” — LESSON PLAN for the “GREAT AMERICAN NEWSPAPER HUNT”If you put a complete hard copy of a daily newspaper in front of most K12 students and even college level students, they will gaze upon it…Sep 26, 2016Sep 26, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.LESSON PLAN — Prince Ea and His Message for Getting Life Off the Ground: Using Motivational Content…Teachers in any classroom are not simply teaching content. Providing instruction about Columbus and his voyage across the Atlantic to…Oct 9, 2016Oct 9, 2016
Barbara Castleton, M.A.Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” as Teacher and Muse— Using Writing Models to Enhance EssaysLudwig Mies van der Rohe simplified the infinite when he said, “Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it…Jul 3, 2017Jul 3, 2017
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.Without Geography, Students Can’t Get Anywhere…As an English as a second language instructor at a southern university, I had the opportunity to also teach a Freshman Experience class. FE…Apr 29, 2018Apr 29, 2018
Barbara Castleton, M.A.“CALLING BULLSHIT!” — Spotting and Defying Falsifications, Lies, and Twisted FactsThe University of Washington has a course that is SRO (standing room only) every term it is offered. It is called “Calling Bullshit: Data…Jul 4, 2018Jul 4, 2018
Barbara Castleton, M.A.Still Want to Learn? — 8 Places You Can Study for FreeAs someone who didn’t get a master’s degree until age 53, I am a firm believer in lifelong learning. Granted, going back to school after…Aug 3, 2018Aug 3, 2018
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.The Digital Enclave: How Tech Devices Can Inhibit Language LearningEvery fall, thousands of colleges throughout the United States welcome international students who have traveled great distances to gain…Feb 3, 2019Feb 3, 2019
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.Lesson Plan: Teaching Students to Problem SolveYou are probably thinking that we do this all the time. What is arithmetic or math about but problem-solving? Solving for x in -16 = x/4 +…Mar 30, 2019Mar 30, 2019
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.Lesson Planning — Offering Critical Thinking Opportunities to Low-Level Language LearnersAlbert Einstein did not waste time memorizing facts, or at least that was the impression he gave when responding to a questionnaire that…Apr 6, 2019Apr 6, 2019
Barbara Castleton, M.A.INSTRUCTION —Foil Google, Baidu, and Cliff Notes by Making Different Classroom Reading ChoicesBACKGROUND — I might not be able to beat City Hall, but I have managed to put a wheel clamp on teen students’ tendency to avoid the…Nov 17, 2019Nov 17, 2019
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.Essential Cognitive Skills Based Only in Reading: Who Loses in the Reading Game?Skills Inherent in Proficient ReadersApr 3, 20201Apr 3, 20201
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.Assessment Tips for Teaching Online: The Testing World Where No One Is WatchingToday a colleague passed around information regarding a new app. It is a tool specifically designed for online instruction. In practice…Apr 3, 2020Apr 3, 2020
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.Zoom-School Needs New Ideas: Constructing a Classzoom that WorksIntensive English student, 18-year old Minh, connects to a communication platform, clicks on a class, and enters.Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
InAge of AwarenessbyBarbara Castleton, M.A.Lesson Plans — The “R” Word -Bringing Accessible RIGOR to Romeo and JulietHow can an instructor teach Romeo and Juliet when students understand only every fifth word? By applying rigor rather than difficulty.May 2, 20211May 2, 20211